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Altair Feko for the automotive industry

2024-07-05 12:46
Analysis, design and optimization of automotive antennas, study of electromagnetic compatibility

FEKO is a program from Altair that implements comprehensive electromagnetic modeling, widely used by original equipment manufacturers and suppliers, for the analysis and design of antennas, as well as for the study of electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) in the automotive industry. Standard applications range from radio and television broadcasting, remote control systems, tire pressure monitoring systems, wireless communication systems, to radar collision avoidance systems and more. EMC issues include noise immunity, cable connections, and shielding methods.

Features of the solution

  • A comprehensive set of solvers supporting genuine hybridization for the design, placement and optimization of automotive antennas.
  • The study of electromagnetic compatibility of vehicle components, including checks for noise immunity and parasitic radiation with the existing car model and environment.
  • A set of tools for designing antennas for windshields.
  • Specialized tools for modeling cables, their connections and mutual influence both with each other and with antennas.
  • Analysis of interference emitted by electronic components and the effects of electrical communication in the vehicle environment.
  • Automated matching of circuits in Optenni lab.

Opportunities for the automotive industry

  • The fast multilevel multipole method provides efficient modeling in the gigahertz frequency range and hybridization with asymptotic solvers at radar frequencies.
  • Improvements for antennas embedded in windshields include modeling and analysis of multilayer structures.
  • Bidirectional connection of cables with a multi-conductor transmission line (MLT) solution, modeling of complex cables and combining the method of moments with MLT.
  • The decomposition of the model is the replacement of complex, real receivers and transmitters with equivalent sources for the effective solution of electrically large tasks.
  • Special formulations for the calculation of electric and magnetic shielding.
  • Import of the cable path in the format .kbl.
  • Advanced modeling of materials, including metals, thin dielectric plates, coatings and anisotropic layers, such as carbon fiber.

  • Most industry standards are in CAD and ODB++, 3Di, Gerber.
  • Importing a grid.
  • Interface with HyperMesh.
  • Near and far field imports, including Sigrity and Orbit/Satimo.
  • Import of the cable path in the format .kbl
  • Optenni Lab for antenna matching
  • Touchstone and SPICE models and non-emitting electrical circuits.
General features

  • All possible tools for accurate, fast and efficient modeling, together with parallel solvers and genuine hybridization, including MoM, MLFMM, FEM, FDTD, PO, LE-PO, RL-GO and UTD methods.
  • High-performance computing and GPU usage capabilities.
  • The environment of three-dimensional parametric modeling.
  • Extensive postprocessing capabilities.
  • Lua scripting language integrated into the program for data processing and process automation.

For training, temporary licenses for Altair Feko software solutions, testing and purchase, please contact the specialists of NanoTechProm LLP by phone +7 (777) 797-89-75 or by e-mail info@nanotechprom.kz.