
Financial Institutions

Financial institutions are under more pressure than ever. Emerging competitors and disruptive technologies are changing how and where people spend, save, and invest, with customers demanding more value and flexibility. Criminal activities have become so sophisticated that it’s hard to stay ahead of fraud and cyberattacks. Regulatory demands require constant self-analysis and reporting.

Whether in banking, financial services, insurance, or mortgage, Altair financial data analytics solutions provide your organization with the tools needed to transform business processes, ensure compliance, drive profits while cutting costs, and free personnel to focus on crucial activities.

Reinvent Operations with Financial Analytics Tools

Financial institutions can reinvent critical business processes across all departments with Altair® RapidMiner®, our data analytics and artificial intelligence (AI) platform. From tightening cybersecurity, evaluating and pricing risk, ascertaining credit scores, and predicting cash flow events, to driving customer acquisition, personalization, and loyalty.

High-Throughput Computing for Financial Data Analysis

The requirement for powerful computing technology that enables high-throughput processing is higher than ever in finance, since it’s indispensable in handling mountains of data in areas including algorithmic and quantitative trading. Financial institutions often need to run tens or hundreds of thousands of short, mission-critical jobs – and they need the right tools to manage these demanding workloads.

Altair workload management solutions and optimization tools enable fast results and the ability to handle the toughest requirements for high-throughput job scheduling.
Try Altair’s Data Analytics Solutions


Altair has more than 30 years of experience working with thousands of banks and credit unions. These relationships are rooted in our unique capabilities for financial data analysis, data transformation, understanding of bank reporting, fraud and credit risk experience, and our high number of expert staff with financial industry backgrounds.

Financial Services

Financial services firms trust Altair RapidMiner, including 18 of the 20 largest global investment banks. We understand the need to balance growth, speed, efficiency, and risk across areas like electronic trading, lending, operations, customer acquisition, retention, and regulatory oversight.


The insurance industry is ultra-competitive. The vast selection of providers means that customers will walk if they feel a quote isn’t reasonable, or if coverage or service is inadequate. 

Altair partners with insurers large and small. We have the tools, people, and commitment to customer success to help your organization meet customers’ changing financial needs while effectively assessing and protecting against new horizons of risk.

Mortgage Analytics

Mortgage servicers face significant challenges around quickly and cost-effectively accessing data for lending and prepayment risk analysis. Altair solutions can acquire financial data directly from the wide variety of systems used in the mortgage business, including Fannie Mae®, Freddie Mac®, Ginnie Mae®, Black Knight®, Sagent®, and more.

Altair RapidMiner can handle every phase of the data lifecycle, giving decision-makers clear visibility into lending risk and profitability.

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